
Family Cosplay Feature: The Keanes

I figured I should participate in the family cosplay feature myself since I’m gathering photos for the GeekMamas Cosplay with Your Kids panel at MegaCon this Sunday! So here goes-

Keane Family Cosplay

Please introduce yourself:

We are Candy, Sean and Keelan from Jacksonville, FL. Sean and I have been married for 14 years and have been costuming together since college. (We met at UF) Now that we have a son, we are excited to include him in the fun. Sean is in the Army, and I own Three Muses Clothing and recently started the GeekMamas blog. You can see more of my cosplay pics on my Facebook page:


UPDATE 2020: I closed Three Muses a few years ago and embraced blogging full-time. Sean and I have been married 18 years now, and still costuming together!

1) Does the whole family cosplay or is it just the kids?

The whole family cosplays! Although sometimes one of us will dress down so it is easier to take care of Keelan at bigger events.

2) What have been your favorite costumes?

I loved our Alice in Wonderland costumes for Halloween. I was the White Queen, Sean was the Mad Hatter and Keelan was the White Rabbit. I couldn’t wait to visit all the neighbors and then K fell asleep about 5 minutes into trick-or-treating so we only made it to about 3 houses.

3) Do you make your costumes?

Yes! Well at least Sean and I do, but Keelan grows out of everything so fast and usually only gets to wear things once so I have started buying him some cheap easy pieces here and there. I’ve found it’s really easy to go get a blank onesie or t-shirt at the craft store and iron on anything I want. Easy superhero outfit!

4) What are your favorite events for cosplay?

I like going to conventions. Sean and I also love dressing up for themed events and masquerades, but we don’t get as many nights out as we used to! So I try to find a lot of daytime, family-friendly stuff for us to do. I’m very much looking forward to MegaCon and hopefully getting back to DragonCon next year. Keelan’s first convention was CollectiveCon here in Jacksonville. He was just 6 weeks old! I was Daenerys Targaryen and Keelan was my little dragon. Well, for about 10 minutes before he refused to wear the dragon hat.

5) Do you have a funny family cosplay story?

I was part of a super hero group for the Folio Weekly’s Best of Jax issues. We were called the Folio 5. I knew I’d be bringing Keelan around with us at the shoot and events so I made him a onesie that said 5 1/2 so he could be part of the group too.

6) Any advice for parents that want to cosplay with their kids or just dress them up?

I’ve found that you really have to roll with it to cosplay with kids. If they are babies, they are probably going to spit up all over the outfit, chew on it, then grow out of it in a week. And then they probably will fall asleep or refuse to wear whatever you spent all that time making (or ordering). So get that quick pic with the screaming baby and then do something to make them happy.

Also, wear baby-friendly costumes. I never realized how pokey my costumes were until I had a baby I was trying to hold. My New 52 Wonder Woman might as well be baby repellent. And I spent hours crafting that House of Targaryen 3 headed dragon brooch only for it to make it impossible to hold Keelan close to my chest. My costume prep ritual used to include making sure I could walk, sit and go to the bathroom. Now it includes can I hold/change/feed a baby.

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